Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Schedule?

Hey Stalkers!
For anyone who is closely following Diary of an Agent's Sister, you might remember a good four week strand last fall when I posted a new chapter every Monday. Then I got sick, then I got wrapped up in finals, and then I became about four weeks behind my self-imposed schedule. Well, in an effort to be more organized and motivated, I have decided to once again make some form of guidelines for myself.
Beginning next week, I plan on releasing a new chapter of Diary every Saturday night. HOWEVER, if you know me at all, you will know that I am an insomniac, and because of this, 3am on Sunday morning is still Saturday night to me. SO, in an effort to be less confusing, just plan on there being a new chapter of Diary of an Agent's Sister every Sunday morning when you wake up!
Thanks a ton, and I look forward to hearing from you all!

P.S. Sascha wants you to know that she thinks it's really creepy that you all read her diary, and Alex wants you all to know that you know too much.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Writing Blog

Hey all! So I created this blog to post things like Q&A, important edits, previews of other books I'm working on, sneak peeks into my current projects, and other important updates like that. This is the place to ask me questions, tell me that my writing stinks, comment on technical mistakes (i.e. Jordan, you said Evan was 18 in this chapter and 17 in this one...fix it.), and yell at me for not writing fast enough. I might even post some conversations I have with my characters, which you may either think is really cool, or that I am clinically insane. Either or.

Regardless, happy reading! I hope to hear from you all in the future!