Monday, October 3, 2011


Hey faithful readers. Missed me? I certainly missed you, that's for sure. So I'm all moved in to my apartment up here at BYU-Idaho (you know, the sister school of BYU, that one school with the football team and Jimmer? Yeah, that one). Anyway, I've been writing bits and pieces here and there for at least three different stories. Yes, Diary of an Agent's Sister: Year Two is still on a front burner, but so is the story of Liz.

Liz is a runner. Her parents are gone for the weekend, and what promised to be a nice, peaceful weekend turned into something from a nightmare. Two evil men have marked Liz as their prey, so she needs to do what she does best: run. She runs to the home of a coworker, Duke. Instead of finding Duke and his parents, she finds Duke, his parents, his sister, and his thirteen unofficial siblings, most of whom have criminal records and look just as scary as--if not scarier than--her predators. Her new adopted family has sworn to protect her, but now the question is, can Liz run fast enough?
Read the first three chapters of Fast Enough on goodreads here.

Meanwhile, I'm neck deep in my EMT class. There's certifications left and right, chapters to read every night, and stories upon stories from the instructors. I'm taking a full course load, and tomorrow I'll begin the job hunt. I have enough chapters of Fast Enough so that I can post one or two a week for a little while, at least.

Also--a huge point of excitement in my life--Codename: Sam, the boy who printed the bound copy of Diary (remember?) is coming home from his two-year mission in Virginia for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in twenty-five days!!! How exciting is that? I haven't been able to hear Sam's voice or see him in person in almost two full years, and finally I'll get to properly hug him in gratitude for the massive gift he gave me.

I hope you're all having a fantastic week, and that everything works out well for everyone in the week upcoming.

Love always,