
 About Me:
I'm a young adult who loves to read and write. I've written my first novel, Diary of an Agent's Sister, and have maybe an eighth of a dream of getting it published. If I get published, awesome. Until then, I stick with my Emergency Medicine major.

Contact Me
Twitter: JordanKBell
Facebook: but only if you ask really, really nicely.

Random Facts
-I was born and raised in SoCal, but spend half my year in Idaho for school.
-I've always loved books, and didn't seriously get into writing until my senior year of high school.
-When I was little, I thought punctuation wasn't necessary This bugged the teachers' assistants to no end I just told them I knew where the period went :)
-I play the piano and violin, and know a bit of sign language.
-I am the middle child, and firmly believe in and fight to battle middle-child syndrome.
-My form of road rage involves calmly discussing the bad behavior with myself. (Wow Nissan, you really must be in a hurry if you felt such a great need to cut me off. Dear Altima: please don't do that. I'd appreciate your blinker.) I'm very passive aggressive.
-I have worked at a dentists' office and a movie theater.
-I enjoy writing essays. My essay writing voice is much more mature and official than my blog voice. --One would find the differences between to be vast, almost as if the works were constructed by two greatly varied authors.
-My brother inspired Diary.
-I find graveyards calming.
-My dog's name is Magnum. I nicknamed him Magnadoodle. Quite often, he's just doodle.

My Eternal Hunts:
There are three things that I've wanted and been looking for forever, that I wish I could have for always. Codename:Sam met one of these hunts head on, and found me the perfect Dreamcatcher Necklace. These things need to be perfect (to me), and as of yet I haven't found the perfect one of any of these. The remaining two are:
1. A claddagh ring
2. A lullaby

One Thing You Should Really Know About Me:
I'm Mormon, a.k.a. a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I go to a church-owned school, adhere tightly to my church's standards, and am very happy. It is because of these standards that none of my characters currently involved with each other will have intimate physical relations before marriage. Some have made mistakes, and some have had bad things happen to them, but isn't that life? It's why Sascha attends church meetings whenever she can. It's also the reason that my writing is done with clean language. It's hard working around characters who sometimes let words slip, when I don't. I'd much rather write, "Alex swore under his breath", than the words themselves.
Want to share my happiness? I can answer questions. If I can't answer them, I can point you in the direction of people who can.

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