Who in the world are you?

Wow, um, did you really just miss the Bio tab, which is conveniently located right next to the one you just clicked to take you here? Click it now! Or click the link I so conveniently placed in the first sentence.

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Does diary have a main plot conflict or is it going to be like a Continuous novel series?

The whole of Diary is loosely planned to fit into trilogy. Each book will have it's own trials and subplots, and the entire trilogy has an underlying plot, or maybe just a common enemy, that will be fully introduced a little later in Diary of an Agent's Sister, and will be resolved in the third book.

How do you pronounce Sascha's name, and why do you spell it that way?

It's the same as Sasha, but it's spelled in the more traditional way.
To get technical: SAW-shuh.

Where does the word 'Particept' come from, and how do you say it?

Part-i-sept, with the 'i' sounding like the 'i' in 'fish'
Particept is a made up word, adapted from the latin phrase 'particeps criminis', meaning 'partner in crime'. It is made to mean the same as a policeman's partner, or something along those lines. It is Johannesburg Academy's version of the buddy system, and each student has a single particept for their entire education while at the Academy. The point of a particept is to challenge, guide, protect, and help with everything from studying to building self-defense skills and character. The particept is critical to the educational system at the Academy.

Where did you get the idea for 'Diary'?

I was sitting in my senior AP English class one day, bored out of my mind and finding myself without a book to read. I figured that the best way to remedy my book-less situation was to write. I had dabbled with other plotlines before, but none had stuck. The original inspiration for Diary came from a family situation which I'm not supposed to discuss (just to add to the mystery, you know?). I took something that was a very great part of my life, tweaked it a little, added a few 'what if's', and Diary was born. I've been working on it for about a year now, and expect to finish it by this summer.

Other Books

I haven't posted any others, really, so there are no questions! I'll post the questions as they come!

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