...which will ironically be ending in less than two weeks.
I kind of took the summer off blogging, as evidenced by the long strain of post-less weeks. It's been more of the same stuff, really. My parent's house entered escrow this week, my job at the theater has been keeping me busy, and life has been continuing onward.
As far as writing goes, I have a new toy, and I absolutely love playing with it. It's a program called Scrivener. It's a word processor geared specifically towards authors, and is used by many of my favorites. It's doing a beautiful job of helping me format Diary of an Agent's Sister into a proper manuscript, and has helped so much in the creation of Diary II. Gosh, I really need a name for the poor book. Maybe I should just call it "Diary of an Agent's Sister: Year Two"
I suppose that could work.
I'm using a trial version of Scrivener right now, which is the same as the paid-for version, but I only get 30 days out of it. I'm pretty sure it'll be worth the $45 when my trial is up.
Anyway, here's a couple screenshots off Scrivener, so you can get the idea of what I'm working with.
[click the pictures to make 'em bigger, and get peeks of what I'm working on]
News about my hands, in case you were wondering:
I went to see another doctor here at home, one who specializes in sports medicine. Because we all know how writing and music are full-contact sports. Anyway, it boils down to a whole boatload of nerve damage, muscle inflammation, and other shiz that really isn't fun. My hands were put on bedrest for two weeks, during which time I did my best to do nothing with them. No writing, no music, no sign language, nothing. I learned to sit with my hands very still, which is a new talent for me.
I hope everyone is having an excellent summer, and wish you all the best!