Saturday, January 1, 2011

Might as well...

Happy New Years everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic last day of 2010. It was certainly an interesting year for me, with graduating highschool, starting college, making Diary available to the online masses, seeing more doctors than I have in the past ten years of my life combined, making my longest ever solo car ride, learning to deal with roommates and crazy people, and a whole bunch of other stuff that can't be written down in one sitting.

New Years is always a time of resolutions. Personally, I usually forget what I resolved to do by January 2nd. If I'm lucky, I remember until the third. For the fun of it though, here are some of the resolutions that may or may not happen.
I resolve to finish Dairy of an Agent's Sister this year, and hopefully breathe life into the lives of new stories.
Sascha resolves to completely master Russian, and grow closer to overcoming her Ichthyophobia.
Alex says he has nothing he'd like to improve about himself. Sascha says Alex's resolution is to become more humble.
Evan wants to get his Black Belt, and Abby wants to give back to society more, maybe by spending some time helping in American orphanages.

What are some of your resolutions?

Love always,
Jordan, Sascha, Alex, Abby and Evan

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