Monday, April 4, 2011

Mmk, Awake Now

Alrighty, so now that I'm fully awake, I can spend some time loading a full post, heavy with links and external references.

First, an embedlement. (Yes, made up word. I like it. Leave me be.)
Sascha's Song
This song has always reminded Alex of Sascha, so I thought I'd share it with you.

Second, of course, is the posting of this week's chapter, which can be found here. AHH!!! 50th chapter! To be fair, it's actually the posting of diary entries 109-112, and I never intended Diary of an Agent's Sister to be broken up into chapters.

Third is something super special. Ever since January I've been really good about posting new chapters on Mondays, yet I mentioned that I wanted to finish writing the first draft of Diary before I left for college again. Well, I leave next Wednesday, so I figured that I should step up my game to at least get the climax posted before then. Therefore, let it be decreed that the last Big Exciting Entry will be posted next Monday (not to be confused with THE last entry), and to make it all work out, you should expect a chapter (likely a smaller one) posted sometime in the middle of this week! Surprise! Happy Middle of the Week! If I had to pick a day, I'd say look for it on Thursday. But hey, that's just me. I'm just the writer, what do I know? Honestly, not much. I mean, the gang graduates in a week, and I just found out what colors their gowns are. Well, I also know two people who get shot (there will be more than that) and a couple of surprise familial ties that you won't expect.

Fourth is something you would have learned only from reading this week's chapter, if you'd never ventured onto the character bio area of the Diary page of this blog. It's Abby and Evan's last names. I think I mentioned here before that Abby's last name is Dupree, and Evan's is Galloway. This week was the first time I ever mentioned them in the book though.

Fifth is that City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare becomes available tomorrow, April 5th. I, unfortunately, ordered mine special online, so it'll take a few days to get here, which means I may stay away from some social networks to avoid spoilers. If anyone reads it before me and tells me anything, I will make sure that you are written into the big fight scene in Diary as a Baddie, and you will be brutally killed by one of our heroes. Just so you're aware. Regardless, go out, buy the book, read it. If you haven't read the first three, and Clockwork Angel, read those first, please.

Wow, SO Many Links! There are eleven (I think), can you find them all? *cue maniacal laughter*
**Hint** some long highlighted links are really a bunch of little ones!

I better end this up so I can get on to writing that bonus mid-week chapter, which leads up to the most intense thing I'll ever have written.

Happy First Week Of April!


*edit* One final CoFA link here

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