While working at the theater today, I experienced my first real taste of sexism. Apparently, the head usher at my theater, a man, was quite disgusted to learn that two girls were assigned to usher with him. So much so, in fact, that he complained to the manager who makes the schedule. It's true, most of the time, only the guys are scheduled to usher. Not to be sexist, but simply because there are many more male employees, and the females have better track records with working the registers and customer service. The odds of the only two ushers being girls are actually pretty slim. By way of context, this is one man I really don't like, which is odd, because I like almost everyone. I do not, however, like men 10 years my senior throwing popcorn on the ground as I sweep everyone else's trash, and after I've swept his mess up, have him joke that he was just trying to see if he could make me angry.
Well bud, mission accomplished. Not like I'll ever let you know that. Why on earth would I give you that satisfaction? So you could blemish my perfect record at this job with an event that you created? No, not at all. I'll just furiously blog about it.
And then sic my characters on you.
See, even though this guy is head usher, he never really ushers. Our job is to make sure the theater is always clean, focusing on cleaning up after each movie. Yet I've never seen him walk into a theater with broom in hand. Liz and I cleaned over twenty theaters today, supposedly while under his direction, without him ever setting foot in the theater. Abby has assumed full responsibility for both toilet floodings in the men's room during rush hour, when only Pig would be available to handle them, and a few other random mishaps. Alex and Evan might have sent a few angry customers Pig's way, which only he, as shift lead, could handle. They also did their best to keep Pig away from me. Honestly, the guy gives me the heebyjeebies. He's always standing a little too close, hovering, looming, smelling of weed or whatever it is he smokes to get high before work. Can you imagine Alex and Evan standing guard at the theater doors as I cleaned, making sure Pig stayed away? Or cleverly coming up with ways to keep Pig in the lobby, far away from us girls? There are benefits to having close contact with two strapping young Academy students, as well as a nice young lady who's willing to play poltergeist. Sascha admits that she was standing watch as well, but mostly from a distance. She's pretty angry with me at the moment, but you'll find out why on Monday.
So yes, in case you're wondering, I'm a little mental, and my characters are pretty real to me. But hey, when imaginary protection is all you have, might as well embrace it, right?
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