Monday, March 28, 2011

*Shudders With Delight*

**Contains blocked spoilers; to read, highlight with mouse**

Oh, this week's entry was by far the most awful and fun chapter to write. It involved a lot of research, including rereads of my favorite makeout scenes by Cassandra Clare in every book of the Mortal Instruments series, and by Sarah Rees Brennan in Demon's Covenant, particularly her DSRooftopS.

See, Cassie recently gave her fans a teaser about a DSAS--a Dirty Sexy Alley Scene. In reality, it wasn't dirty, just...passionate. Alex and Sascha liked the idea so much that they wanted to do one too, and it just so happened to fit in perfectly! Unfortunately, there are no alleys in the Academy. It became a DSSS, and I let you figure out what the S stands for, which you can do by reading Ch 49: May 24-May 27. This is a pretty intense chapter emotionally, and in a completely different direction from last week. Not only do Alex and Sascha have a pretty intense makeout session, but they also say the fated "L" word. I spent two whole days trying to get these specific scenes tweaked just right, and will likely rewrite them a thousand times over. It's all good, though.

The song that really stuck out to me this week was
Listen To Your Heart by DHT

Hope everyone enjoys their week, and the nice DSSS to wake up to Monday morning.

Oh, and also, for my lovely writers out there who read this, I just wanted to say that for the past year and a half that I've been writing Diary, Abby did not have a full name. She has always been just Abby or Abigail. I figured this was normal, I know names sometimes take a while to present themselves to authors, but I couldn't help but think that I'm almost done, and still don't know her name. It hit me the other day: Abigail Priscilla Dupree. Actually, as far as the main characters go, I knew Alex's almost immediately, learned Sascha's about nine journal entries in, learned Evan's last name a few months ago, and learned Abby's two days ago. I still don't have a middle name for Evan, really. The moral of this paragraph is that if a name doesn't jump out at you, don't make it. Write in a placeholder name, and once your character tells you what it really is, change it out. Don't make the characters do or be anything they don't want to.

For those on spring break, I am envious, pleased, and angry at you all at the same time. Envious because I have work while you can play, pleased because your desire to play gives me more hours which equals a nicer paycheck, and angry because I have more hours this week and less time to play before I go back to school.

Anyway, love you all,

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