How cool is that? I feel so honored.Reading is a favorite pastime of many because it allows one to enter into a totally different world, leaving behind troublesome worries for the adventures of others. What we read is the product of creative minds, minds where these incredible stories originate. Imagine what it would be like to be a writer – a jumble of ideas constantly floating around in your head to write down. Imagine how it would be to see your favorite story play out right before your eyes, like in a movie. Then press pause and step into the screen. For young writer Jordan Bell, this is a reality. “It may sound strange, but I actually have regular conversations with my characters. It helps me get in their heads.” Though it would appear that Miss Bell leads a rather ordinary life, what she dreams up is quite incredible.Jordan Bell’s work has been consistently voted to the top of’s creative writing section (a social book-reviewing site receiving over 20 million visits monthly), currently #1 under ‘Fiction’. “Diary of an Agent’s Sister”, Bell’s first novel and most popular work, is a story of intense action and espionage chronicling the life of young Sascha Dell who’s older brother is an important government spy. Sascha is sent to a top-secret witness protection/training facility that teaches her skills she needs to survive while being hidden from those who would do her harm to get at her brother. Eventually, thanks to all the training she’s received, she starts going out on her own missions. While transporting children of high-profile individuals to safety, she encounters mobs of angry men who seem more interested in herself than her cargo. The thrilling tale puts you in Sascha’s shoes as she chronicles her daily life and uncovers the alarming past that’s been hidden from her. While you’d think Bell got the idea for her story from the latest Bond movie, she says it was actually the real-life events of her brother’s job that inspired her.Being a Border Patrol agent, Bell’s brother had to go through intensive training at a special facility to learn the skills enabling him to protect our borders from drug trafficking and violence. It all grew from an idle thought – “I was thinking about how, technically, my own brother is an agent for Border Patrol, and that I am an agent's sister. From that point on, I began to wonder what the life of a secret agent's sister would be like, and my story was born.” What sets Bell apart as a writer rather than the average reader? It’s her ability to take a simple idea from life around her and expand it into something greater.Those who know Jordan more intimately have commented on the manner in which she often comes up with new ideas. Her good friend, [name omitted] says “We’ll just be walking around the mall and Jordan will notice something like, say, a bug flying around. Then she’ll think – ‘it would be really creepy if that bug were ten times bigger. What if all the bugs in the world were giants? What if the more we feared bugs, or anything else for that matter, the bigger they got? I just got a new idea for my story!’ And it will happen all the time, and next thing you know she’s pulling out her notebook and jotting down her next story idea.”I was startled reading the comments of those who follow her writing online. Every entry is filled with die-hard fans begging for more to read. [Name omitted] on comments “I've been locked in my room for the past day and a half doing nothing but reading this...okay, a few other things, but definitely unwillingly. Soo good. You have a serious talent, girl :D” But what really amazed me talking to Jordan Bell was how normal she was. She wasn’t an eccentric, socially awkward person, how I’d assumed such creative people would be. Rather, she seemed almost remarkably average. Yet those who know her only through her writing adore her. For Bell, writing just comes naturally. “I have always had a passion for reading, and I guess I had so many stories in my head that a few new ones started forming. What else was there to do except write them down?”Our world would be much bleaker if not for writers who bring color into our often dull lives. These creative heroes are everywhere, looking for the next great story to be told. Next time you walk down the street, just remember that you could be walking past the next great Rowling or Tolkien. While a writer may look just like everyone else on the outside, put a pen and paper into his or her hands and you’ll see the world around you transformed into something amazing.
And yes, I posted a new chapter of Diary: Year Two. I never intended to abandon our favorite agents, I promise. I simply got very, very stuck, and had a really long writer's block. So I spent my time on other stories until I could get over it. One day, I was sitting around and thought, "What if Alex did this...", and suddenly I had a plot again and knew how things were going to unfold. Now I'm having to literally pull myself away from writing so I don't fail my classes. I've caught the bug again, my friends. Look for another installment of Diary of an Agent's Sister: Year Two this Monday!
Awesome!!! The essay, was very cool, and it only makes me want to read more of diary 2 and all of your other stories as well. Congrats :)