Sunday, December 18, 2011

The End and the Beginning

I finished my third semester of College, passed the first part of my EMT exams, and got myself a boyfriend who's kind of sort of the best ever. How do I know?

Check it out:

This boyfriend isn't any random boy I picked up off the street. This is Codename: Sam, the one I've been so anxious to get back, the one who printed Diary of an Agent's Sister. His latest claim to fame? He found a seller that custom-made Sascha's dreamcatcher necklace for me. Isn't it incredible? Isn't he incredible? I am so blessed.

All of these incredible events, as well as the prodding of some dear friends, have prompted me to make an announcement:

I will be posting the first chapter of Diary of an Agent's Sister: Year Two on on Christmas day. (That's 12/25/11, just in case you don't observe it.) It will most likely be in the late afternoon or evening. Of course, this is assuming I can tear myself away from Sam long, I'll do it. My friends and fans have been so supportive over the past couple years, I owe everyone the only present I can really afford to give this year.

Have a Merry Christmas! And if your celebrate something else, I hope your holiday is incredible. Travel safely wherever you go, and have a great week!

Love always,

Monday, October 3, 2011


Hey faithful readers. Missed me? I certainly missed you, that's for sure. So I'm all moved in to my apartment up here at BYU-Idaho (you know, the sister school of BYU, that one school with the football team and Jimmer? Yeah, that one). Anyway, I've been writing bits and pieces here and there for at least three different stories. Yes, Diary of an Agent's Sister: Year Two is still on a front burner, but so is the story of Liz.

Liz is a runner. Her parents are gone for the weekend, and what promised to be a nice, peaceful weekend turned into something from a nightmare. Two evil men have marked Liz as their prey, so she needs to do what she does best: run. She runs to the home of a coworker, Duke. Instead of finding Duke and his parents, she finds Duke, his parents, his sister, and his thirteen unofficial siblings, most of whom have criminal records and look just as scary as--if not scarier than--her predators. Her new adopted family has sworn to protect her, but now the question is, can Liz run fast enough?
Read the first three chapters of Fast Enough on goodreads here.

Meanwhile, I'm neck deep in my EMT class. There's certifications left and right, chapters to read every night, and stories upon stories from the instructors. I'm taking a full course load, and tomorrow I'll begin the job hunt. I have enough chapters of Fast Enough so that I can post one or two a week for a little while, at least.

Also--a huge point of excitement in my life--Codename: Sam, the boy who printed the bound copy of Diary (remember?) is coming home from his two-year mission in Virginia for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in twenty-five days!!! How exciting is that? I haven't been able to hear Sam's voice or see him in person in almost two full years, and finally I'll get to properly hug him in gratitude for the massive gift he gave me.

I hope you're all having a fantastic week, and that everything works out well for everyone in the week upcoming.

Love always,

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Back up to school this week. Maybe a regular posting schedule with it? We'll see. Until then, Year Two is officially being written by scene, not sequentially. Hence why I have not been uploading everything. Anyway, a few lines from stuff I've done lately, just for fun:

"I wear yummy lipgloss so I can taste it and look pretty, not so you can eat it all off!"
"Mmm, minty."

“She’s my partner, it’s just an alias.”
“You…you don’t believe me.”
“What? Alex, of course I do.”
“You don’t. You still don’t trust me. After everything, you don’t trust me. What can I do to make you understand? I’m coming back. I love you, Sascha Dell. Why don’t you see that?”

Last, but not least:

“They’re dead. They shouldn’t be able to do this to me anymore. I was nothing more than a lab rat to them. One they only realized they couldn’t euthanize easily after I’d been created.”

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Endless Summer...

...which will ironically be ending in less than two weeks.

I kind of took the summer off blogging, as evidenced by the long strain of post-less weeks. It's been more of the same stuff, really. My parent's house entered escrow this week, my job at the theater has been keeping me busy, and life has been continuing onward.

As far as writing goes, I have a new toy, and I absolutely love playing with it. It's a program called Scrivener. It's a word processor geared specifically towards authors, and is used by many of my favorites. It's doing a beautiful job of helping me format Diary of an Agent's Sister into a proper manuscript, and has helped so much in the creation of Diary II. Gosh, I really need a name for the poor book. Maybe I should just call it "Diary of an Agent's Sister: Year Two"

I suppose that could work.

I'm using a trial version of Scrivener right now, which is the same as the paid-for version, but I only get 30 days out of it. I'm pretty sure it'll be worth the $45 when my trial is up.
Anyway, here's a couple screenshots off Scrivener, so you can get the idea of what I'm working with.

[click the pictures to make 'em bigger, and get peeks of what I'm working on]

News about my hands, in case you were wondering:
I went to see another doctor here at home, one who specializes in sports medicine. Because we all know how writing and music are full-contact sports. Anyway, it boils down to a whole boatload of nerve damage, muscle inflammation, and other shiz that really isn't fun. My hands were put on bedrest for two weeks, during which time I did my best to do nothing with them. No writing, no music, no sign language, nothing. I learned to sit with my hands very still, which is a new talent for me.

I hope everyone is having an excellent summer, and wish you all the best!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Teaser! (I know, I'm so cruel)

Just as evidence of my progress, I've decided to release a teaser of what I'm working on now. Probably from about the second chapter to be posted on goodreads.

"As I flipped down the visor and began layering on the black mascara, I caught sight of Markus' wedding ring again. In training, they'd told us that lasting relationships are rarely possible before retirement.
"You're married?" I asked, curious as to how he managed it. Technically, since he's my partner now, I figured I should at least be able to ask some questions about him, right?
The look he gave me made me think something was wrong with me.
"I'm not married," he said tersely. "We are."

Hopefully more will come soon! Also, hopefully I'll have a name for this book soon. Did you know that the first thing that came to me with the first book was the title? I thought up the title and built the book around it. Not so with this one.

Much love and gratitude,

Friday, July 15, 2011

This Is Me Swallowing My Pride...

I'm getting pretty good at these disappearing acts, aren't I?

First, a confession: I just read a book all the way to the end for the first time since I left home last April. I've probably started half a dozen books since the semester started, reading many, sometimes making it all the way to the beginning of the climax, but never finishing it. It was frustrating, to say the least. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I've had to do a lot of healing this semester, and little things like the feel of holding a book with just a few pages to go, the deep sigh that comes once the last sentence has been read, they all let me know that I've made progress.

To my friends who read this, I feel like I can finally get this out. Writing it somewhere other than my own diary, getting it out to real people, might just take me a little bit further.

This semester started with a new sensation for me: homesickness. My second semester at college, certainly not the first time I'd been away from home, and I wanted to be anywhere but here. Which was ridiculous, because I loved my classes and had made friends. Still, the only reason I wasn't packing up my car, jumping on the I-15, and driving 'til I hit the Golden State was because I knew I needed to be here, and had enough willpower to make it happen. Still, I called my parents from inside my car (the only place I could get privacy) every night for days, seeking any comfort and help they could give.

I hit a second speed bump as I realized that I was letting myself sink into some pretty destructive habits and behaviors. I realized I needed to change that, and with the help of my church leaders, was able to get myself back on track. Life seemed to be picking up, I was back in touch with my characters, and for a few short days, I was happy. About this same time is when my roommates health started failing, as I mentioned in an earlier post, just to give a point of reference. Exactly three days after I made major breakthroughs with my behaviors, I got a devastating call from my parents:

They were selling the house. It was that, or file for bankruptcy. I'd lived in that house for twelve years. It sheltered me from all the awkward middleschool years, was my respite from the storm of highschool, was my stronghold during my terrible breakup. And just like that, there was the possibility that I'd never set foot in it again.
Of course, though, that could never be the end.
My brother put in applications to serve his country in Iraq and the Arizona Warzone. My brother already goes to work everyday in a bulletproof vest. This new development was so Not Okay.

I was scared. I was angry. I felt alone. I didn't know where I would live in the summer, let alone where I'd eventually call 'home'. I didn't want to talk to my parents, because I couldn't say anything without crying. It grew worse than that though. I stopped going to class. I went when it was crucial, but if I could afford to miss, I did. I was battered by constant streams of "what's wrong" from those closest to me. I stopped eating. I'd be starving, but the thought of food repulsed me. I hated eating. I'd just sit there, day in, day out, unable to make myself do anything of value. Life had lost its savor. Everything was just...colorless. I stopped finding happiness in the onset of spring, the beauty of my college campus, even the company of my roommates. Later, I'd describe this as a time when the Dementors attacked daily in full force. My world had turned to Azkaban, and I saw no hope for escape. It was at this time that the Carpal Tunnel set in, stealing from me my music and my writing, my last few feeble forms of escape, which were already weakened anyway. At the coercing of my roommates, I finally signed up for my school's free counseling center. I was wait-listed.

The weeks dragged on. I called my parents regularly, considering options for finding off-campus counseling. Even with insurance, it wouldn't be cheap, which wasn't really an option. Finally, just over two weeks ago, I got an appointment with my school's center. My counselor was nice, she listened to me talk--erm--cry, and after a lot of discussion, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, and 'flared' by current stresses. I know a lot of people don't like labels and psych diagnoses, but for me, a diagnosis means answers, and once I know what I'm dealing with, I can start to fix it.

Bless my counselor, she likes medications as much as I do. As in, a deep, dark loathing of them. So we started "Behavioral Prozac" instead. Everyday, I am required to do four things:
1: Record five specific things that I was grateful for, or that made me happy (i.e. "I saw a pretty flower that made me smile")
2: Get 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
3: Spend as much time around people as possible
4: Do one thing, every day, that I know makes me happy on the good days. Even if that means going to WalMart and watching the fish for half an hour.

For the most part, my Behavioral Prozac works well enough. I have fewer bad days, at least. It gives me an excuse to watch TV or read a book. I'm probably one of the only kids who goes to a therapist, tells her she doesn't hear the characters in her head anymore, and the therapist says, "It's okay, they'll come back in time. Just let them come. They'll be there when your mind heals enough."

Like I said, I guess I'm healing. I've written seven pages this week, more than almost the entire semester. Maybe I'll have some Diary to post by the end of summer. I'll keep better updates now, with my progress going as it is. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

With much love and thanks,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Two pieces of crucial information are required before this post will make sense:
First, there's this boy, Codename: Sam. Sam is serving a 2-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Washington D.C., and he teaches in Spanish. He is not allowed the modern conveniences of Facebook, is allowed thirty minutes each week to email family members, and can only call home twice a year: Christmas and Mother's day. For the past twenty months, he and I have communicated solely by means of handwritten letter and the old fashioned postoffice.
Second, my birthday is soon upon us.

In one of Sam's last letters, I was told that I'd be getting my birthday present from him soon, but he wasn't specific about when it was coming. He just asked that I wait until my birthday to open it. Well, today I collected the mail and found a large, flat box with my name on it, from some indiscernible company. Curious, and not thinking, I began to open it.
First, I saw this:

I thought I read it wrong, and couldn't help myself. I tore off the packaging.

I was in shock. I turned over the sturdy, hardcover book in my hands, and found this:

A message from him on the back:

411 pages of my writing. In a hardcover book.

I'm still dying. I don't think I've ever laughed and cried when I received a present before. I was struck speechless for almost an entire half-hour, and my mom thought something was seriously wrong when I called to tell her. It's just so beautiful!

If you helped this come to fruition in any way, thank you so much!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

More Rocks

Quick post, because it's late, I have class in 5 hours, and my hands hurt.

Every writer's nightmare: Carpal Tunnel. In the words of my favorite internet felines: i haz it.
It reared its ugly head pretty hard about two weeks ago and has had me in it's grip ever since. I wear two clunky black braces almost constantly, which look a lot like the bracers that I strap my characters into. At least, that's what the roommates who've read Diary agreed on. They also agreed that it makes me, the sweet, innocent Jordy that no one ever suspects of anything, look decidedly like I could take down a linebacker. Most of my conversations now go like this:
Friend: Jordy, what'd you do to your hands?
Me: Got in a fight with a polar bear.
Friend: *laughs* ah, really.
Me: Yeah, you think this is bad, you should see the Polar Bear.
(Both laugh)
Me: Nah, it's just Carpal Tunnel being a jerk.

Ok, long story short, I refuse to let this keep me from writing...just from writing legibly. Which is great if you only read what's typed. My teachers and my notes aren't as lucky. I'm also very, VERY slow at writing now. It's dreadful.

Please know that I'm still writing stuff and have mostly gotten out of my psycho funk, it's just...well...ouch.

Love always,

(The demon bracers)

(My latest desktop creation)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Leave of Absence

*Hangs head in shame*

Hi everyone. I know what you're thinking: Jordan! Katie! Whateveritisyoucallme! You were on a roll, you had this awesome story going with Ryan and Lucy, and then you got us all excited for some new Sascha and Alex time, and then you fell off the face of the earth!!!
(Some of you, at this point, may also be shocked to see me include a total of three (3) exclamations points there. Those who are shocked likely know me and my abhorrence [vocab lesson] of excessive punctuation, with the exception of the occasional '?!', and thhheee insertion oooffff a bajillion extra leeettteeerrrrrssssss) [insert shudder here]

Ah, ok focus. So here's the deal. My roommate (a.k.a. best friend, Codename: Cat) has taken a serious blow in the physical health department. My neurosis requires that I do everything in my power to make sure she's as happy as possible. On top of that, my family has had to make some tough decisions, my brother especially, that have completely changed things for me. Things that are actually pretty hard to cope with when you're 900 miles from the rest of your family. As the icing on the cake, I got to watch my own mental health slip through my fingers. Remember that scene where Alex carries Sascha down to her appointment with Dr. P? Replace Alex with my roommates, Sascha with me, and Dr. P with a wait list for the school counseling center, and you get, well, my life.

Lorrie Moore said,
"Most things good for writing are bad for life. “May your life be not very good material” is a blessing I offer students."
Someone could write a pretty excellent novel with the last month of my life as the main conflict. Please understand, I'm not writing this to extract your pity, only your understanding. As much as I've tried, I've made very little progress with any of my characters. The funny thing is imagining their voices whisper 'wasn't that the whole point of our story? That strength sometimes means asking for help? Come on, girl, learn from what you've written!'

Alright, so long story short: life kind of sucks right now. (Excuse my French) Just making it through the day in a semi-normal way is a small blessing. I admit, the only reason I'm responding to things on Goodreads and writing out this whole post is because today was an extraordinarily good day (in comparison to the previous). Right now, I'm praying that more good days are on their way, and I can get back to my life. We'll see though.

As a side note: My Name
Most of you know that my real name is not Jordan Bell. My name is Katie T. Over the past few months, I've gotten very accustomed to my pen name. I respond to it almost as naturally as my given name now, and have even been called Jordan or Jordy by friends in person. I like my name. Wouldn't have picked it otherwise! BUT, I just want you to know that you can call me Katie, or Jordan or Jordy or Phil if you really wanted to. Whatever you're more comfortable with, really.

I love you all and wish you all a blessed week.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

YA Saves

The title of this beauty is a current trending hashtag on twitter, and it has all my favorite authors ablaze.
The problem is this article from The Wall Street Journal, which decries the value of young adult fiction. As an avid reader and writer of YA, I am very frustrated by these declarations. While I can be the first to admit it when I think a YA novel is nothing but dark smut, it makes me so sad that people are so swift to judge books that they've read very little about.

A friend and I discussed this very thing in regards to Sarah Rees Brennan's Demon's Lexicon. To a casual observer, an innocent passerby, it's a book about a demon who possesses people--including a young woman--the seeking of favors from demonic creatures, and a brother who lies and tries to protect the demon. As someone who's actually read Rees Brennan's books, I don't find myself wanting to conjure up evil spirits, or wanting to pathologically lie about everything. I took from those books the importance of honesty, of taking care of your family regardless of their choices, and doing what you know is right even when the world tries to tell you it's wrong.

When I was in high school, my teachers loved having us read books like The Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451. With the exception of Bradbury's, I loathed reading these books as a teenager. I thought they were vulgar and crude, and thought that surely there were other books that could show positive growth without the immorality. As I grew older, and especially as I began writing books myself, I learned that in order to show growth, it must be shown that the character has a reason to grow. If the heroine wasn't struggling with, say, self harm, then overcoming self harm wouldn't be as visible or as notable a theme.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that yes, young adult literature today has many dark, and sometimes disturbing, things. It pushes the envelope and questions the things that adults would never think to question. As someone who just barely made it out of the teen years with her head on tight, I can say this: The years between the ages of 12-18 are, in today's world, dark, and sometimes disturbing. In them, we question ourselves and everyone around us. Nothing is for sure. We are tempted with ways to cope with our struggles, like drugs, alcohol, and sex. Odds are, we will be taken advantage of in some way. At some point, we will wonder why we even fight against these things at all. Many will choose to stop fighting and give in to the world.

This age, 12-18, is the target audience for YA. Why on earth would someone target to that demographic a story about stocks and shares, or playground fights, when those things aren't relevant? To the adults who are worried about YA lit corrupting their children: if your children are reading it because the struggles attract them, then your children are already corrupted. If your children are reading it because they enjoy the last chapter, the triumph over struggles, then your children are doing their best to overcome the things of this world in the only way they know how, and with the means that have been provided to them. If the first, then your children are either very strong willed, or maybe they weren't raised in a way that would have been most beneficial to them. If the second, you raised your kids right.

YA lit is not to be approached as a bright, happy ray of sunshine. That is not what young adults need. YA lit should show trials, struggles, temptations, defeats, and all the nasty things of the world, and most of all, it should show strong characters who learn to overcome those things, either on their own or with help. They should give courage to the teens who struggle, a voice to those who can't find their own. Instead of trying to ban a book, parents, librarians, and teachers, I beg of you to please read the books your children do, and focus on the triumph. Don't tell your children to not get caught up in the struggles, teach them how to apply the winning strategies, and how to use the examples of the heroes to win the battles against demons that I promise you, every teen is, has been, or will be engaged in.

Books are not to be banned. They're meant to show humanity. Those which are most opposed are those which likely need most to be read.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have a problem. It's called I want this guy's CD. Like now. Just take this song and apply it to any given book couple, and make it their theme song. Which couple do you think fits it best?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You Know You're a Writer When:

My English class today was talking about Active and Passive voice. My TA taught simply that in that class, we should always use active. One kid asked her when it would be a good time to use passive, and she was a little stuck. My teacher liked the question so much that he posed it to the class. Kids came up with answers like, "Well, maybe on a research project," or, "Maybe when looking back on an event," to which my teacher only noncommittally agreed to. Then silence. Meanwhile, my brain's going, "Oh, like in The Cold Equations, and other stories like it. No one's saying anything. Maybe I should speak up. No one else is...". So, I spoke up.
"In literature, passive voice is used to create distance between the reader and the subject." I said, full of confidence.
"What?!" My teacher cried, using his usual 'where'd my student learn that' exclamation.
"I should have put that in my powerpoint," the TA said in awe.
"Sorry," I mumbled, not pleased that such a big deal had been made out of it and that the entire class was now staring at me. My cheeks flushed and I could feel her heart pounding.

Later, my teacher mentioned that he has written a book, and is working on getting it published. "But it keeps getting rejected," says he.
I decided then and there that I want to be published, if only so that I can go up to a teacher I disagree with, hopefully one of the English-teaching persuasion, and proclaim snidely, "Yeah, but I'm published," in a 'beat that' sort of way. Doesn't that sound fun?!

Monday, May 23, 2011

One Last Picture...
I think.

But this just makes me so happy, I had to share!!!!

You don't even really have to scroll down to see it!!
Oh, if this isn't the way to start a Monday, I don't know what is. You guys rock!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Too Much Time On My Hands

I've been trying to create Sascha's parents' house--her mansion--in words all weekend, and the words have been failing me. To remedy this, I busted open the computer programs and did my best to recreate what I think the mansion looks like.
Without further ado, I give you:

The First Floor:
The first floor mostly consists of rooms for the private view: a ballroom, a library, a music room, a dining room, etc.

The Second Floor:
Mostly, the living area of the family. Tons of bedrooms. I don't know what belongs in that long room on the side. Not yet anyway.

The Third Floor:
These are a series of great rooms. When the house was first built, they were used as servants' quarters, a school room, and other things like that.

The property is vast, and Sascha's land goes far past the house itself. Cool huh?

Friday, May 20, 2011

They're Back!

Moment of truth: I have had Diary block since I ended Diary of an Agent's Sister. It's not writer's block, because I've been able to write Ryan and Lucy. Sascha and Alex have just been suspiciously silent for almost a month now. I discovered the problem in English (hey, I learned something. Who cares if it wasn't what was being taught?) in an essay by Nicholas Carr called "Is Google Making us Stupid?" The influence came from:
Sometime in 1882, Friedrich Nietzsche bought a typewriter—a Malling-Hansen Writing Ball, to be precise. His vision was failing, and keeping his eyes focused on a page had become exhausting and painful, often bringing on crushing headaches. He had been forced to curtail his writing, and he feared that he would soon have to give it up. The typewriter rescued him, at least for a time. Once he had mastered touch-typing, he was able to write with his eyes closed, using only the tips of his fingers. Words could once again flow from his mind to the page.

But the machine had a subtler effect on his work. One of Nietzsche’s friends, a composer, noticed a change in the style of his writing. His already terse prose had become even tighter, more telegraphic. “Perhaps you will through this instrument even take to a new idiom,” the friend wrote in a letter, noting that, in his own work, his “‘thoughts’ in music and language often depend on the quality of pen and paper.”

“You are right,” Nietzsche replied, “our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts.” Under the sway of the machine, writes the German media scholar Friedrich A. Kittler, Nietzsche’s prose “changed from arguments to aphorisms, from thoughts to puns, from rhetoric to telegram style.”

A long English lesson, I know, I'm sorry. But it told me the problem! I'd always written Sascha's Diary on pen and paper. I'd been trying to write Diary 2 on my laptop, and it wasn't working. Why? Because Sascha's Diary isn't typed on a computer, it's handwritten! (face palm)

So yes, finally I got through to Sascha, and even Alex was pretty vocal tonight. I learned Sascha's call sign (it's a secret). Alex and I are still hashing over his call sign (what do you think?). I also think I have the name for the Agency headquarters, which I think is also secret.

Of course though, Sascha could never come back into my life easily. OH no. When did she decide to come? In the middle of my early Biology class, when I had to shield my crazy writing so the cute boy next to me wouldn't think I was keeping a journal about my own personal adventures in a secret government training facility. I am not that cool. Oh well.

So the writing is back into the swing! YAY! Hopefully you guys will hear from our favorite friends soon.

Love, Jordy

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Dedication

I hereby dedicate this song to Ryan and Lucy.
That is all.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Jeepers, Mister

I received a very wonderful surprise over the past week. It currently takes the form of One hundred and six emails titled "____ likes your chapter" sitting in my inbox. Because of this lovely surprise, Diary of an Agent's Sister is now #7 on the Popular This Week list, pretty darn high on Popular This Month and All Time, and if you do a keyword search for both 'fiction' and 'high school', Diary is the first response. My stats have never been that high, and it's an amazing thing for publicity. The higher I am, the more people see it and choose to read it. This is a good thing.
Readers, you amaze me.

By way of announcement, I've decided that if I ever get Diary published, I will include an acknowledgment page that includes everyone's name who has ever read the novel while it was still on Goodreads. That being said, if you've read the story and not 'liked' or commented on it at some point in time, I won't know that you've read it. IF you want your name in a possible future novel, PLEASE 'like' or comment!

Another announcement, I have more chapters of "We Never Knew' posted. I'm rushing, so don't have time to link, but it's on goodreads. Go check it out!


Friday, May 13, 2011

: O

Last night I pulled up my blogs to show my roommates. Everything was fine.

This morning I pulled up my blog to see what was up. Every change I'd made in the last week, including backgrounds and changes to my Bio, was gone. It was dreadful. Just thought I'd let you all know how upset I am with blogger. In the words of Gru, "Not Cool." I put a lot of work into trying to make my blogs pretty! Grr.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Because I Have A Few Minutes...

...I shall blog.

You might have noticed that lately on goodreads there's been a different story in the works. It's incredibly different from Diary of an Agent's Sister, and in my mind, it's more...possible? Diary is fiction, pure and simple. We Never Knew is more a work of realistic fiction.

We have Lucy, the good girl who just graduated high school and is trying to figure out where her life is going. Balancing between the religion she was raised in, her parents, and her own personal feelings, she must make some choices that will change her life forever.
We have Ryan. At about two years older than Lucy, he never had the opportunity to attend college, and thanks to some choices made on graduation night, he's now a single father. With his mom and three brothers for support he makes it work, but he can't help but feel like something is missing from his daughter's life.
Then there's Melodie. At fifteen months old, she's at a fun stage of growing and exploring the world around her. Should Ryan be concerned that she hasn't started talking yet? Why does Lucy find herself missing the baby after spending only a day with her? Why does she feel like she's meant to be a part of Melodie's world...forever?

Unlike Diary, I plan on making this a work of LDS fiction. If you have questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you can go to this site. Or you can ask me, and I'll do my best to help. Why am I choosing to make this story with religious themes? Because there are good works out there that everyone's read about Catholic girls, Muslim girls, Jewish girls, and Atheist girls. I want my story about a Mormon girl to have a chance to be mainstream, too.

There are three chapters up right now, and hopefully more on the way.

For those of you who follow me because of Diary of an Agent's Sister, Diary 2 is still there in my mind. I'm simply waiting until I have more written of that one before I post it on GR.

Peace, love, and wishes that your weather is better than mine,

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Alright, I posted a 'prologue' to my second Diary book. I am, of course, still working on a title and a whole bunch of other stuff. A major character that's going to be present this book is named Hayden Marcus. He's Sascha's senior partner, so be on the look out. I'm still working on Diary of course, but we have a confession to make. After all the pestering to not be ignored two weeks ago, last week both Alex and Sascha decided to take the back seat for a while. Why is beyond me, but they very specifically chose who was going to get to ride in the front for a while: Lucy and Ryan.

Lucy is a young Mormon teen who just graduated high school, and is wondering when her simple life is ever going to change. Ryan is a twenty-year old single father who wishes life would normal-out, if only for just a little while. These two meet on a hot summer night that begins the shift into completely new lives for the both of them. Melodie is the little girl who will bring them together.

Whether or not this makes it onto goodreads is a little too far in the future for even me to see right now. I know some people might get a little weirded out by reading a book when the main character is Mormon, and a lot of what she does is based on that faith, but I figure that, as a Mormon myself, I'm allowed to write from that perspective. I think this book will go under the title of 'We Never Knew', but I'm still working on it. We'll see.

Happy last day of April!

Friday, April 22, 2011

And How Impatient They Are!

So all week long, since I posted the last two chapters of Diary of an Agent's Sister, I was thinking that I deserved a break from writing. I mean, I'm taking a full course load here at school (six classes, fifteen credits) and I figured my creative juices were completely burned out. I had always intended there to be a sequel, which in my mind was always called 'Diary of an Agent's Girlfriend'. Now, though, I don't think it'll be called that, simply because Sascha is not just an agent's girlfriend, she's an agent herself. Nor is she defined by her relationship to others. She isn't 'Jack's sister' any more than she is 'Alex's girlfriend'. She is Sascha Dell. That being said, I'm still working on titles. Maybe 'Diary of an Agent in Training'?
We'll see.

One of my roommates recently mentioned that maybe my beloved couple should go to college. Originally, my response was no, there is no need for them to go to college. They'll get their formal training, and then start their careers. Today, though, Sascha started popping into my head. Honestly, she usually only speaks to me when I ask her to. She NEVER takes over like that. It went something like this:

Jordan sat quietly in her Humanities class, listening to her eccentric teacher project to the class of twenty.
"I want to go to college," Sascha whispered quietly.
"You don't need to go to college. You have a job."
"But...I want to go to college. Please Jordy?"
"You won't have time. What, do you plan on just ignoring your classes every time you're on a mission?"
"I can take online classes."
"Doesn't that defeat half the purpose of going to college?"
"I'm sure I can figure something out. I'll only take a few credits, register as a part time student."
"Oh really, and what would you study?" Jordan asked, trying to both think of more reasons for Sascha to not go to college, and trying to focus on the importance of creativity.
"I...don't really know. I can take some biology classes. Or child care and development, that'd come in handy. Oh, and I should probably take some more language classes. Like Chinese! Wouldn't it be great if I learned Chinese?"
"I mean, what would your major be?"
"Well, I don't necessarily need a degree in anything. I just want to go to college."
"But...I don' doesn't...Ugh. Alex, what do you think?"
Alex shrugs. "Why not? Could be fun," he says in his nonchalant way.
"You are no help!" Jordan mentally screams in frustration.
"Yeah, I might take some classes too."
"Shut up Alex, you're only making it worse. Besides, you guys have seen me these past few days. I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and it's only my first week! Going to college is a lot of work! Besides, I'll barely be able to write much each week, which means you guys will get neglected a lot. You want that?"
Sascha smiled. "Between work and school, maybe we'll be so busy that we won't notice!"
"You guys, I...fine. I give up. You can go to college."
"Thanks Jordy!"
"Don't talk to me."

So, as you can see, on top of everything else, I guess I'm going to start writing book two already. And, I guess...Sascha and Alex are going to college. Heaven help whatever school they end up at.


Monday, April 18, 2011

The End

Well guys, I did it. We did it. I can't believe it, but I finished Diary of an Agent's Sister.

If you missed the last two chapters, you can find them here and here.

What do I plan to do next? Go to class, get a 4.0, hopefully decide on a major, get my degree, and live my life. In the meantime, I'm going to continue to edit Diary, fix all the typos and correct a few errors. I'll keep writing, and I definitely have plans for a second book for Sascha, but I might put that off and visit some of my other stories for a while. Who knows?

It has been a long, crazy road, and it took me about a year and a half, but I'm done. Thank you EVERYONE for your support, encouragement, comments and love.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back in the 'Burg

I've officially left my beautiful, sunny Southern California behind in favor of the blustery and half-frozen Idaho. If you don't believe that's it's cold, here's a couple hints: There are snow flurries flying around outside. You can ski nine months out of the year--the other three months it's just too cold.

More important than my bizarre choice of university locations is the fact that I still owe you all another chapter of Diary of an Agent's Sister. Talk about cruddy time for writer's block, right? There I was, driving on any given stretch of the I-15 (of which I was on for a good 17 hours in the last two days) trying to conjure up Alex ad Sascha. Normally, I can picture where they'd be wherever I am. Alex, for example, was always with me when I had to work in the box office, and always stood guard at the door. Regardless, my car was absolutely stuffed with my things, and I just couldn't picture Alex lying on top of everything. He was perfectly content to ride a motorcycle alongside me, but conveniently disappeared when the weather turned wet and frozen. (For those who are curious, he drives something like this)

Long story short: I officially move into my new apartment tomorrow. Hopefully, I will finish writing the next chapter (or two) before I have to start classes on Tuesday. Let's go with that game plan, mmk?


Monday, April 11, 2011

What? No New Chapter?

or "Jordan, How Could You?

Yeah, I know. It's Monday, there's no new chapter posted, yada yada. Well, get over it. I gave you two chapters last week, and I did add to the last chapter posted this morning. Sascha made it very clear to me that she had a lovely last night with Alex, and wanted it written down. I'm apparently now the scribe for her life. So, in the midst of Chapter 51, is a new entry labeled 'June 10: Thursday'. For your convenience, I'll post it at the bottom of the 'Diary' page on this blog.

No, I have not written the ending yet. I'm still working on it, and it's a lot harder than I thought. That being said, the first time I post it, I will be expecting very harsh criticism, and I expect you to expect multiple drafts. HOPEFULLY I will get it posted Tomorrow. Here's the thing, though. I'm moving on Wednesday. I have packed NOTHING. This is a problem. Oh well.

Have a good week,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mmk, Awake Now

Alrighty, so now that I'm fully awake, I can spend some time loading a full post, heavy with links and external references.

First, an embedlement. (Yes, made up word. I like it. Leave me be.)
Sascha's Song
This song has always reminded Alex of Sascha, so I thought I'd share it with you.

Second, of course, is the posting of this week's chapter, which can be found here. AHH!!! 50th chapter! To be fair, it's actually the posting of diary entries 109-112, and I never intended Diary of an Agent's Sister to be broken up into chapters.

Third is something super special. Ever since January I've been really good about posting new chapters on Mondays, yet I mentioned that I wanted to finish writing the first draft of Diary before I left for college again. Well, I leave next Wednesday, so I figured that I should step up my game to at least get the climax posted before then. Therefore, let it be decreed that the last Big Exciting Entry will be posted next Monday (not to be confused with THE last entry), and to make it all work out, you should expect a chapter (likely a smaller one) posted sometime in the middle of this week! Surprise! Happy Middle of the Week! If I had to pick a day, I'd say look for it on Thursday. But hey, that's just me. I'm just the writer, what do I know? Honestly, not much. I mean, the gang graduates in a week, and I just found out what colors their gowns are. Well, I also know two people who get shot (there will be more than that) and a couple of surprise familial ties that you won't expect.

Fourth is something you would have learned only from reading this week's chapter, if you'd never ventured onto the character bio area of the Diary page of this blog. It's Abby and Evan's last names. I think I mentioned here before that Abby's last name is Dupree, and Evan's is Galloway. This week was the first time I ever mentioned them in the book though.

Fifth is that City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare becomes available tomorrow, April 5th. I, unfortunately, ordered mine special online, so it'll take a few days to get here, which means I may stay away from some social networks to avoid spoilers. If anyone reads it before me and tells me anything, I will make sure that you are written into the big fight scene in Diary as a Baddie, and you will be brutally killed by one of our heroes. Just so you're aware. Regardless, go out, buy the book, read it. If you haven't read the first three, and Clockwork Angel, read those first, please.

Wow, SO Many Links! There are eleven (I think), can you find them all? *cue maniacal laughter*
**Hint** some long highlighted links are really a bunch of little ones!

I better end this up so I can get on to writing that bonus mid-week chapter, which leads up to the most intense thing I'll ever have written.

Happy First Week Of April!


*edit* One final CoFA link here

*Falls Asleep*

It's 2:35am my time, I just finished typing up this weeks chapter, and am too tired to say much. I fell asleep at my computer for a few seconds there...three times. Anyway, if you read this, it's just a heads up that I have NOT proof-read my typing yet. If there's mistakes, I'll fix them tomorrow.

Monday, March 28, 2011

*Shudders With Delight*

**Contains blocked spoilers; to read, highlight with mouse**

Oh, this week's entry was by far the most awful and fun chapter to write. It involved a lot of research, including rereads of my favorite makeout scenes by Cassandra Clare in every book of the Mortal Instruments series, and by Sarah Rees Brennan in Demon's Covenant, particularly her DSRooftopS.

See, Cassie recently gave her fans a teaser about a DSAS--a Dirty Sexy Alley Scene. In reality, it wasn't dirty, just...passionate. Alex and Sascha liked the idea so much that they wanted to do one too, and it just so happened to fit in perfectly! Unfortunately, there are no alleys in the Academy. It became a DSSS, and I let you figure out what the S stands for, which you can do by reading Ch 49: May 24-May 27. This is a pretty intense chapter emotionally, and in a completely different direction from last week. Not only do Alex and Sascha have a pretty intense makeout session, but they also say the fated "L" word. I spent two whole days trying to get these specific scenes tweaked just right, and will likely rewrite them a thousand times over. It's all good, though.

The song that really stuck out to me this week was
Listen To Your Heart by DHT

Hope everyone enjoys their week, and the nice DSSS to wake up to Monday morning.

Oh, and also, for my lovely writers out there who read this, I just wanted to say that for the past year and a half that I've been writing Diary, Abby did not have a full name. She has always been just Abby or Abigail. I figured this was normal, I know names sometimes take a while to present themselves to authors, but I couldn't help but think that I'm almost done, and still don't know her name. It hit me the other day: Abigail Priscilla Dupree. Actually, as far as the main characters go, I knew Alex's almost immediately, learned Sascha's about nine journal entries in, learned Evan's last name a few months ago, and learned Abby's two days ago. I still don't have a middle name for Evan, really. The moral of this paragraph is that if a name doesn't jump out at you, don't make it. Write in a placeholder name, and once your character tells you what it really is, change it out. Don't make the characters do or be anything they don't want to.

For those on spring break, I am envious, pleased, and angry at you all at the same time. Envious because I have work while you can play, pleased because your desire to play gives me more hours which equals a nicer paycheck, and angry because I have more hours this week and less time to play before I go back to school.

Anyway, love you all,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Music Behind The Madness

Alright, so you may have noticed that on the side of this blog is an ever-growing list of songs and music videos.

There are two that I really want to point out right now.
The first, I think details the lives of our JoCad friends quite perfectly, especially Sascha, Jack, and Alex:
Michael - Bedlight for Blue Eyes

The second, I simple think is a really cute song with an even cuter music video:
Crossfire - Brandon Flowers

Thanks again for all your support and comments on yesterday's chapter.
Love you all!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Let the Killing Commence

Because it wouldn't be an action spy novel if everyone lived at the end, nor would it be realistic if only the bad guys died. So, with the end looming ever near, the first character in Diary dies this week. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I had to put up with a week of scowling from Alex, Abby, and Evan, and total outright hatred from Sascha.
Without further ado, read Chapter 48: May13-May17 here.

Yay! I made you feel! This makes me happy! It probably shouldn't be that way, but each time I read comments like, "Oh my...that ripped my heart out", and "that was heartwrenching. D:" I smiled, because that means I made my readers feel, and that means I crafted those entries well. So read on, dear friends, and allow me to gleefully embrace my life as a Killer.
Ok, I'm not completely heartless. I knew this was going to happen for a while, is all, and so I've had time to cope with it. I don't enjoy killing off characters, especially that one. There are a few that I'll gladly allow Sascha to shank. In perfect honesty, I'm really sorry that Jack is dead. (Spoiler Prevention, highlight to read) I don't purposely hurt my characters like that!


Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Characters are Poltergeists!

While working at the theater today, I experienced my first real taste of sexism. Apparently, the head usher at my theater, a man, was quite disgusted to learn that two girls were assigned to usher with him. So much so, in fact, that he complained to the manager who makes the schedule. It's true, most of the time, only the guys are scheduled to usher. Not to be sexist, but simply because there are many more male employees, and the females have better track records with working the registers and customer service. The odds of the only two ushers being girls are actually pretty slim. By way of context, this is one man I really don't like, which is odd, because I like almost everyone. I do not, however, like men 10 years my senior throwing popcorn on the ground as I sweep everyone else's trash, and after I've swept his mess up, have him joke that he was just trying to see if he could make me angry.
Well bud, mission accomplished. Not like I'll ever let you know that. Why on earth would I give you that satisfaction? So you could blemish my perfect record at this job with an event that you created? No, not at all. I'll just furiously blog about it.
And then sic my characters on you.

See, even though this guy is head usher, he never really ushers. Our job is to make sure the theater is always clean, focusing on cleaning up after each movie. Yet I've never seen him walk into a theater with broom in hand. Liz and I cleaned over twenty theaters today, supposedly while under his direction, without him ever setting foot in the theater. Abby has assumed full responsibility for both toilet floodings in the men's room during rush hour, when only Pig would be available to handle them, and a few other random mishaps. Alex and Evan might have sent a few angry customers Pig's way, which only he, as shift lead, could handle. They also did their best to keep Pig away from me. Honestly, the guy gives me the heebyjeebies. He's always standing a little too close, hovering, looming, smelling of weed or whatever it is he smokes to get high before work. Can you imagine Alex and Evan standing guard at the theater doors as I cleaned, making sure Pig stayed away? Or cleverly coming up with ways to keep Pig in the lobby, far away from us girls? There are benefits to having close contact with two strapping young Academy students, as well as a nice young lady who's willing to play poltergeist. Sascha admits that she was standing watch as well, but mostly from a distance. She's pretty angry with me at the moment, but you'll find out why on Monday.

So yes, in case you're wondering, I'm a little mental, and my characters are pretty real to me. But hey, when imaginary protection is all you have, might as well embrace it, right?

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Stranger...

...and The Kisses

Chapter 47: May6-May7 is now up. It's a bit shorter than the entries have been lately. It felt really unfinished when I put it up, but it's gotten a couple good reviews so far, so I guess it works. One of my friends called me Jordy today, and I had to laugh a little. You should probably be aware by now that Jordan is my pen name, but she's also become as much of a character, and in a way, alter ego, as Sascha. It's been so tempting to introduce myself as Jordan somewhere.

Sigh. I love when Sascha and Alex kiss. It's like, the equivalent for them as 'all the way' is for other couples. They're both pretty old-fashioned in that way. Poor Evan. He learned in this chapter that dead jellyfish still sting.

Anyway, next week's chapter is sure to make a few people feel very many emotions that are very different from those felt this week. Abby and Evan are headed out to the woods for their field test, while Sascha, Alex, and a few others are headed back to New York.

Hmm, I can't think of what else to I'll stop writing.

Love you all, enjoy reading the latest chapter, and have a great week!


THANKYOU Stumbleupon, for leading me to this: Date A Girl Who Reads

Monday, March 7, 2011


Chapter 46: May 3-May 5, or 'Story Time of Holy Fishcakes Proportions', is officially posted on Goodreads.

By way of announcement, in five weeks I am moving back up to Idaho from my sunny California city, to start school again. I'm really hoping to finish Diary of an Agent's Sister before then. This may mean the posting of more than one chapter a week, who knows. I'm still working the kinks out. Obviously, at that point, the story will be (somewhat) finished, but the writing will not be. This is where my lovely friends and readers come in handy. Once I write the final Diary entry, I will begin the process of editing and revision. I refuse to print out a copy for myself until I know I've taken care of all the typos. It's a HUGE task to take on myself, though. So, if you're interested in being assigned a portion of Diary to read over and check for mistakes, please let me know! I'm not talking about the posts on goodreads. This will involve me emailing you pages of my third draft--the one typed on Word. (I'm on a Mac, so I can give it to you on Pages as well). The more people who offer to help, the less work for everyone. Ultimately, I'll be reading the whole thing over again to double check, but I like your eyes, too, so if you'll let me, I'll use them.
Like I said, if this interests you, let me know. You can do so via either commenting on this post, or messaging me on goodreads. I'll keep you in mind and contact you later with specifics.
Thank you!
Now, as the title suggests, I'm dog tired. Go read Ch. 46, comment on it, 'like' it if you do, and make me infinitely happy. Did you guys know that my story is pretty high in the popularity charts? Less than half-way down the lists for the week, month, and year. This helps me show my story to others, so please read and 'like'! It'll boost my ratings even more!

Jordan, if you're finally done fishing for compliments and begging for friends and attention, you should probably finish this post, before you embarrass yourself any more.
Oh, ok, fine. I'll just go then. To Sleep!!!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Ramblings Of...

...a slightly insomniatic author.

Who's also pretty sure she just made up the word 'insomniatic'. Well, it's a little after midnight...12:24 to be exact (at which point, my mind goes: Ooo 12:24 like 12/24 it's Christmas eve time! For the record, my mind also does this for other times with meaning, like 12:34, 12:31, 10:31, 3:14, 9:11, and a few others.) Regardless, it's late, I'm at 36% battery life, and felt like blogging. Let's see if I can do this before my computer dies.

First, I had a mini panic attack late last night when I misplaced a page of Diary. When I realized it was missing, this was my train of thought: hahahahahahahahahahahaha crap. Now, I'm not talking about a page from December, or the one I was writing on at that very moment, which maybe had ten sentences. I'm talking a full page, covered front and back with content from the upcoming chapter, that had not been typed yet. If you know my process, you know I handwrite everything, and then type it. There have only ever been two exceptions to this process: First, Alex's homecoming kiss, which I had been working on for two months--in Diary time--by typing first, then writing when I got to that actual scene, and then typing it again with everything else. The second exception actually goes to last week's chapter. The camping bit is all there, on blue-lined paper, written with a black Zebra Z-grip ballpoint, but the written documentation ends when Sascha asserts her independence. Wow, ok, long pointless detour that was entirely unnecessary. So I thought I lost the page, and searched everywhere: the purse I had taken that day, the new notebook, the old notebook, the floor of my bedroom, my bed, behind my bed, everywhere. Or so I thought. See, I've taken to folding up the pages of Diary that I'm working on, and sticking them in my purse, or in my back pocket, next to my ever-present pen. That way, if there's ever downtime at work, I can pull out the paper and pick up right where I left off. When I get home, I take the papers out of where ever I shoved them and place them nicely into my binder. And wouldn't you know, after all that searching, that the missing page was in the back pocket of my work pants all along? Guess I need to check those more thoroughly. Can you imagine my horror if it went through the wash!

Then we come to tonight. So there I was, swelling upwards with the momentum of writing some very important Diary entries, when my friend JF calls. Now, JF and I have been friends since the dawn of time (or at least, sixth grade) so usually, no matter how much I may hate him, I always answer the phone when he calls, because that's what eight-year friends do. (Especially when those eight years account for almost half your life.) Unfortunately, JF is that friend that you love and hate, all at the same time, without fail. They always have the worst time in the world, except for when they have the best timing in the world, and that makes up for all the crap. Anyway, JF called around 10:30. An hour and a half later, I finally hang up. For me, this is bad. For Diary, well, now I have to build momentum back up, and that stinks. I'm at the beginning of the end, and it's all very intense right now, and a lot of major things are happening for our friends at JoCad. Remember how I said this blog might be used for things like teasers and spoilers? Well:

***Spoiler alert!***
Remember Zio? He's going to come in handy soon. Those black outs weren't random accidents, after all. (Or were they?) You know how Alex is the only one who really knows all about Sascha? That's going to change. You know how no one knows anything about Alex? That's going to change too. **end spoilers**

Wow. Parenthetical Aside-count for this entry: 4

Listening to: Two analog clocks ticking out of sync with each other. This is a problem.
Eating: Brownies with caramel (pronounced CAR-mel). Dang it. 5 parenthetical asides.
Drinking: Ice Water - the drink of champions

Bleh. Ok, anyway, so in conclusion, I need to not be distracted when writing, a vast amount of interesting things are happening at Johannesburg Academy, I should sleep (psh!...6), there are a lot of old books that I really want to read right now but don't have time, and I'm going to end this blog update before I ramble on in a very unbecoming manner. I'm well aware that these aren't really read anyway. I just like...seeing...myself talk. Ok. Back to Diary.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Why I Love Today's Technology

It makes everything so accessible! I mean, honestly, it is so fun to write about gadgets that would have been considered science fiction up until ten years ago, give or take. Anyway, this week's post was really fun to write. You can find it here. Whew, 45 chapters, 324 hand written pages, somewhere around 250 typed pages, and so many hours. And to think it's almost done! Oh, it's bittersweet. Anyway, I'm kind of tired, so I'll keep this really short. This week's chapter involves a new character, and an unforeseen event that will begin the rise to the end. Fun, huh?
Well, have a good night, everyone. Or, morning, or whatever it is. Read the newest chapter, comment here or on goodreads, and have a good week!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So Long, Old Friend

This is my official tribute to my old writing binder.
(Forgive the picture quality. I was too lazy to dig out my good camera, and cellphone pics can be emailed right to my computer.)

This beast was the original home for the Diary of an Agent's Sister manuscript. I hand stitched the canvas cover over a year ago, and carried it to school almost every day of senior year, right along side my other school things. Unfortunately, the rings are only 1", and the manuscript is officially over 300 pages long. Bursting at the seams was an understatement. I've known for a while that the old thing wouldn't hold out much longer, but last night, as I attempted to put in the latest pages and was denied as most of them flew back out at me, I finally admitted that it's time had come.

Insert one trip to Wal-mart, around ten p.m., about $3, and I had a new black binder with 2"rings.

It's nice, sturdy, classy, and large enough to fit any future growth. It's also the largest binder I've ever purchased, but that's beside the point. The point is that I have almost an entire ream of paper covered in what may be my greatest accomplishment to date (because, psh, who cares about good grades and college acceptance?) and is, at the very least, one of my favorite things. I brought it home, sadly transferred the pages of Diary, and admired the new piece. Then spent an hour putting reinforcing stickers onto every stinking hole between pages 217 and 296, at which point I ran out of stickers. Grr.

Well, the old binder isn't gone for good. Maybe I'll rip out the spine and put in a larger one, though I'm not certain it'll fit. Maybe I'll just make a new binder altogether. We'll see. Just thought I'd give it a proper blog-style funeral, and commemorate Diary's new home.


Oh, right, if you didn't catch today's chapter, it's here--> April 13-April 15, or, how to subliminally honor your good friend and make her very happy.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Ah, the beautiful peace I can feel for five minutes after a new chapter is posted. But wait...yep, I can already feel the tension of all the pending reactions building. I'll check for comments once before I leave for work in the morning, but then I'm gone until later that night. It may be one of the most nerve wracking days of my existence.

I keep having to go back and retype everything. I guess even my fingers are tired tonight. It seems like every time I try to type 'the', it comes out 'teh'. (I suppose it may just be that I'm spending too much time on icanhascheezburger and memebase).

Anyway, I'm tired, so I'm calling it quits early tonight. Plus, my shift starts in eight hours.
Here's a cute little song to get your day going: Sunshine There's no official music video for the song, but I like the video these girls put together for it.

Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


This blog post is hereby named after my favorite cupcake at Truly Madly Sweetly bake shop.

Ah, the blog layout has changed again. And will likely change yet again. I was kind of tired with the old background. I loved it, and it captured quite a bit of the right essence, but it wasn't perfect, and it was really busy. So, the gray crackle you see before you is a place holder until I find a background I like better. You'll probably also notice my love of splashing random bits of hideous orange everywhere. I just recently realized how much I like orange, that's all. I'm sure I'll get over it soon.

Speaking of backgrounds, and my inability to find one I like, if you just so happen to stumble upon an amazing blog background, which incites you to exclaim, "Oh my! This just ever so perfectly makes me think of Jordan Bell's Diary of an Agent's Sister, it'd be simply marvelous for her blog", then please, by all means, point me in the right direction. Because oddly, I haven't been able to find backgrounds focused on knives, bulletproof armor, and cellos yet. Not saying that is what I expect to find, I just want something more. Something that says, "This Blog Is Here To Convince You To Read Sascha Dell's Diary". So it could be Diary related. It could be spy related. It can only be school related if it screams JoCad. It needs to be something both Sascha and Alex can view without getting embarrased.

"Haha Alex, what's that girly blog you're on? Learning how to make the perfect cupcakes?"
"Shut up Evan, we all know the pink in Abby's apron brings out your eyes better."

See my point?

Oh well. Hope you're all having a great day. This upcoming Diary post will contain Sascha's birthday. Should be fun!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Clementines Day!

Title courtesy of today's DOGHOUSE DIARIES comic

Well, Happy Monday too. Because it is Monday, there is a new Diary of an Agent's Sister post: March 27 - April 7, or "The Thief, The Argument, and The Shrink".

There are two other super cool things about today as well.

First, my amazing friend Victoria also has a story in the works, called The Tales of Rathya. Hers is a bit more on the fantasy side of the genre spectrum, and I personally love it! Anyway, Victoria posted a new chapter of her story today too, so if you're caught up, read it here. This is an exciting day for me, because Victoria is a hard working student, so chapters are far between. If my praise isn't enough to convince you to go read it, then read it because I also guilt-trip when the need arises. Victoria is my second in command when it comes to writing Diary. If it wasn't for her, I never would have written as much as I have, and I most certainly would not have put it on the internet to expose it to the world's ridicule. So not only is she my guiding force, she's also Diary's "godmother". She knows the characters and story so well that she's able to pull me out of blocks and psychobabbles, and makes sure that my characters don't do anything...well...out of character. If I were to die, or be kidnapped by terrorists, Victoria is the only one I'd trust to finish my tale. Therefore, anyone reading this needs to go show some love to the godmother of my "children", and read The Tales of Rathya.

Second amazing thing of the day: Cassandra Clare, author of the Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices series', is releasing the first chapter of her next book, City of Fallen Angels. The thing is, she's doing it in bits and pieces, and over the span of a week. If you want to read the first post, it has been posted on Mundie Moms. Get your butt over there to read the first preview, and to get the links to the rest of the week's locations.

I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day. If you're anything like me, you'll be spending it with your mother, your sister, and as many Dessen Boys as you can get your hands on. Ugh.

I'm realizing how interactive my blog is these days. This entry is relatively short, yet contains nine links elsewhere: 3 to cool things to read, 2 to other blogs, 1 to a book page, 1 to an author's page, 1 to my favorite webcomic, and 1 to a music video. I must really love you guys, since I give you so much to do. Because I'm sure you're all just as bored during the day as I am. *cough cough* Oh well. See y'all next week!


Monday, February 7, 2011


Reading: Hunger by Michael Grant
Listening To: Airplanes/Brick by Boring Brick

Latest Chapter Post: March 25 Or, "In which Sascha takes on Christa, part I"

Alright, this week's post is up, but it was a race to get it typed by midnight. This is one of the ones I was worried about, but so far everyone's reviews have been fantastic. Monday's lately have been finding me as a very happy Jordan, that's for sure, because I love reading things like "OMG! THIS WAS AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!!!", "That was like one of those epic confrontations I go back to reread in books just because of how cool they are", and even just the simple, "LOVED it!". Readers, these all make me SO happy! After I post chapters, I nervously and OCD-ly check goodreads every half-hour or so, just to see if anyone else has read and liked it, and what they have to say. Then, once someone has written a review, I grin madly like a schoolgirl who's crush just said hello. It's quite pathetic, really. I shouldn't be so dependent on others for my happiness...oh well. It's a good happiness.

For anyone who's curious, lately I've been posting a couple teaser lines every week at the bottom of the Diary page. I don't have a regular date for these postings, but you can be sure to find (usually) something by Saturday night. If not, you'll just have to wait until Sunday night/Monday morning for the next chapter. Just thought I'd put that out there.

Have a good week everyone!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Plea From A Struggling Author Wanna-Be

So...I have this problem. I seem to be getting better at writing the inbetween parts of stories--you know, like plot development, cutsie relationship scenes, and dialogue, but I feel like I flop when it comes to the things that are supposed to be awesome, like a first kiss, a physical confrontation, even a good argument. So now here's my issue: I'm trying to write a fight scene (you know: fist fight, maybe some knives, etc) and I feel like I'm not doing it justice at all, but I'm not sure how to improve it.

Here's my plea: for those of you who have read Diary and are familiar with it, give me a hand? Are my fight scenes a little drab? Slow? Boring? Colorless? Are they too detailed? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM?!?! erm...sorry. Think back to sparring matches between Sascha and Alex, and back to Sascha's fight with Trenchcoat. What do they lack?

Your input is so appreciated, it's ridiculous. Please leave a comment below!


*Edit* Because some of you took time to help me out, some (coughcoughValeriecough) even going so far as rereading parts of Diary, I'm putting up another teaser at the bottom of the "Diary" page on this blog. Thanks again!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh, You Tease!

As I've promised, and as I'll have you all recall, I've been very good about my Sunday night/Monday morning chapter posts. And, to prove my diligence, a new chapter is typed and ready to be posted tonight.

Now, if I'm any judge, this chapter won't really be a favorite of anyone's. It's called plot development, dear readers. There's a lot of stuff that's supposed to happen, and soon. For example, Sascha turns eighteen in April. What happens once she's a legal adult? Did you forget that we...well, you still know nothing of Alex's past? We know he had sisters, and you know he has no one left. You also know he disappeared from school for quite a while. Curious? Thought so. I'm anxious to get it written, I'll say that much.

Though I doubt anyone will read this blog post before midnight, I figured I might as well post SOME little teaser, right? Alright, well here's nothing:

Abby took my lies in stride, as she always seems to. Like she knows I’m lying but understands why I do.
“Does Alex know?”
“He doesn’t need to. He has enough to worry about.”
“Alright then. Can I get you anything?”
“No. Thanks though.”

Intrigued? Good. Check back on goodreads at midnight for the rest of the chapter.
**EDIT** The newest chapter can be found here: March 17 - March 24

Monday, January 24, 2011

Yippity Skippity

Hey everyone! Just a friendly post to remind anyone who, for some strange reason, reads this blog and doesn't check the website, that a new chapter, March 14-March 16, has been posted.

Cool things going on in life:
1. I'm now two for two, posting Mondays at midnight!
2. This blog has 300 views!
3. I am now happily employed!
4. I have a definite plan for the ending of Diary of an Agent's Sister!

Did you know:
1. The dates for Diary of an Agent's Sister are based on the 2009-2010 calendar?
*2. I have the hardest time defining midnight? (See reasoning below)
3. I'm an insomniac? (Pay attention to most of these post times...)
4. "Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog" has the same letters, backwards and forwards? As does "I'm a lasagna hog, go hang a salami". It's easiest to see here: imalasagnahoggohangasalami
5. That right about now, anyone who reads this is thinking, "Ok...Jordan's kind of weird, and has too much time on her hands"?

Enough of my ramblings, now. Go read Diary if you haven't already! Go read something else if you have! Be sure to leave a comment, as comments are my life validations.


*Since I'm always up super late, my "Today" means everything that has happened between when I last woke up and when I will next fall asleep. Therefore, "Today" could begin around 10am on a Thursday, and end at 3am on Friday. It's just how my brain works.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Straight from Cassie Clare's Blog! Read it!

It is possible that I may not sleep tonight. Alex Pettyfer has been offered the role of Jace in the City of Bones movie!!!! Granted, rumors say he hasn't accepted yet, but he HAS read the books, and he likes them. My only qualm is that I haven't seen him act yet. In appearance, he's perfect...but does anyone know if he's a good actor?

But just LOOK at this face!

I was a reader before I ever dreamed of being a writer, and these are some of my favorite books of all time. Now all I'm waiting for is the confirmation of his acceptance of the offer!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sneak Peek!

Check out the Diary of an Agent's Sister page for a snippet of this weeks chapter!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm At The Library Where They Call Me A Crook...

The title will make sense later. Just watch.

I felt like I just had to post this video. It is the brainchild of Julian Smith, my favorite movie maker of all time. He's mostly Youtube famous, though he's gotten his name out into the real world quite a bit lately. I still feel super cool knowing that I've been following him for quite a while now. Anyway, as the book-lover that I am, I couldn't help but particularly like this video that Julian Smith just released. It's funny, catchy, and relatable. Hope you all enjoy!


P.S. If you venture onto Julian Smith's website, check out the videos Malk, Hot Kool Aid, and all of the videos involving Jeffery, the interesting man in the blue shirt and askew glasses.